Arising from complaints and issues by participants, stakeholders and some youths in the Niger Delta region on developments on The Presidential Amnesty Program, I convened a closed door meeting with the pioneer amnesty coordinator Chief Ndutimi Alaibe that set up the template of the program and the current Presidential Adviser General Ndiomu this morning after which Chief Alaibe and I formally congratulated him and also pledged support for the continuation of the amnesty program as we have since done.
We believe in the ability of General Ndiomu to pilot and bring to greater fruition, the objectives of the program as originally conceived.
We are aware of the challenges and we believe that with the support and understanding by all, these can be surmounted and he has the capacity to do so. He has our support and we call for the support of all beneficiaries and stakeholders of the program.
We call for the continuation of the program and also greater financial support from the federal government to enable the program continue with the lofty ongoing programs of the PAP e.g the ongoing scholarships which need to continue for the benefit of our people and the country, skills development of the participants, the completion of ongoing construction of training facilities in the region that will help in capacity building and also the prompt payment of stipends and other allowances.
Once again, we call for support for General Ndiomu and the program and we believe that the coordinator and his team will address all issues of concern.
I thank them both for coming.